Dump trucks are highly specialized vehicles and they require specialized commercial auto insurance. Dump truck insurance protects businesses that own dump trucks from many of the risks that are associated with operating these trucks.
Dump truck insurance is a type of commercial trucking insurance that is specifically written for dump trucks. When underwriting dump trucks, insurers take into account these factors: where the trucks are driven (locations and radius), how they’re used, the driver, commodity hauling, etc.

Safety is necessary before anything and it becomes more important when you are driving such a heavy and large vehicle. According to U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), globally from 400,000 accidents involving large trucks, 2,786 involves dumping trucks and other heavy loading trucks from which 41% involves deaths of driver or the opponent. So, there is a mechanism for dump truck drivers or owners which involves saving (insurance) of money for an accident, death, or any kind of damage or loss.
What does Dump Truck Insurance Cover?
Like other commercial truck insurance policies, dump truck policies offer a combination of property and liability coverages. Some coverages that a dump truck policy might make available include:
– Downtime Coverage
– Environmental Coverage
How much should you expect to pay for dump truck insurance?
The major concern before ensuring these kinds of heavy vehicles is always the money but insurance are of multiple types including various criteria of your choice and the type of vehicle you drive or own. Insurance costs also vary from state to state. So, it all depends on the state where your truck is registered, your preferred plan, and the type of vehicle you own. Average insurance for dump trucks revolves around $5,000 a year but can fluctuate to 20,000$ according to the type of your vehicle and services you want but make sure you are choosing the right insurance with the right package.
The Information You Need to Obtain A Quote
In order to obtain a quote for your dump truck insurance, you need the following information:
1. Type of truck you own or drive
2. What type of material you haul
3. Your estimated budget for insurance
4. Working experience
5. Value of dump truck
6. Previous claims for insurance (max 3 years)
Commercial Truck Insurance Filings
Insurance filings is a proof to the state or government that you are financially responsible for any accident or damage your vehicle involves in. These filings include your insurance papers, your financial state, truck owner’s bank statement, police record etc.
We hope that this article would be helpful in providing you an insight into the dump truck insurance and you will be able to go smoothly through the process of gaining dump truck insurance.
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